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i’m thankful for….

For my blog this month, I am going to play the thankful game. Each day I will be writing down things that I am thankful for and will post them each week. I will try to add some pictures along the way to keep it entertaining, but not today. No pictures, just boring words! 🙂


Sunday, November 1st


Grace-Midtown Church. I look forward to church every single week. 

I like that it’s in Atlanta. It’s nice to venture outside of Gainesville every now and then, even if only for a few hours.

……………they have coffee…fo free. And it is real good coffee!  

……………I get to go to church with some of my favorite peoples.

……………it’s a church that preaches the truth, not just what we want to hear. And they’re always cracking me up in the process!

……………the pastors aren’t afraid to share what they are walking through, struggling with, and what they are celebrating.

……………worship isn’t about putting on a show of any kind, but simply creating a space to be with Jesus.


Monday, November 2nd


I’m thankful for Monday morning worship. All of Adventures staff comes together and we worship. I’m sure I’ve posted about this in previous blog posts, but y’all, there truly is no better way to start out a week. I feel so blessed that I get to be a part of this work place. 


Tuesday, November 3rd


I’m really thankful to be in a community where I am constantly being pushed and challenged. Seriously, you have to be careful what you say you want to work on and grow in around here because the people around you are going to hear you and keep you accountable to it. Which really sucks sometimes because it’s definitely easier to not do the thing that makes you really uncomfortable or terrifies you. But so much growth comes from being in those uncomfortable situations, doing the terrifying thing you don’t think that you can handle because you know what, you find out that you really can.


Also, I discovered lemon tea. You see, I’ve never been a big fan of tea. I really think that Jesus is completely changing my taste buds. In this last year I’ve become a fan of a lot of things that I once wouldn’t even touch. Like tomatoes. And I eat salads now. WHAT?! So I guess another thing to add to the list….TEA. Especially lemon tea. I’m even putting it on my grocery list. (Is it weird that I kinda feel like I’m cheating on coffee? Probably so. Oh well)


Wednesday, November 4th


(I had another cup of tea this afternoon. Just sayin’)


Today I am thankful for spontaneous adventures. Like not going to the all staff meeting (it was optional for us CGAers) ) and instead going to Señor Fiesta and talking about life over Mexican food with two really incredible human beings. There is something special about finding time to ask each other the infamous “how are you doing” question that is tossed around all the time, and being able to really share how you are doing. What Jesus is showing us, the super awesome things that are happening in our lives, and the things we are struggling with and praying through. 


I’m also really thankful that in the past two days, $110 dollars has been given towards the $293 I need in order to meet my next deadline on November 11th. I challenged 20 people to give $15. Now I only need 13 people. If 13 of you give $15, my next deadline will be met. If you’d like to do so, please click the “support me” button above. 


Thank you so much!


Until next week, adios!


Much love,
