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Thoughts & Inspiration

trampolines, coca-cola, and phone calls.

This week I’m thankful for….

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

…getting to have breakfast with all of missions track. It was so fun to be able to sit around the table, eat good food, see how big of fruit one can stuff into their mouth, relax, and laugh. There is just something special about sitting around the table and enjoying one another’s company.

Friday, November 6th, 2015

….nights in. Weekends can be busy sometimes, and weeks are definitely busy, so when you have an evening when you don’t have to be anywhere or do anything, it’s totally acceptable to lounge and watch Netflix. And I guess this would be an appropriate time to tell you that I am obsessed with the show Parenthood. Y’all, it is so good and I can’t stop watching. (Which is a lie because I haven’t watched an episode all week, but when the opportunity presents itself next, I’ll be taking it!)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

….I got to see these girls for the first time in wayyyy too long. They’ve all grown so much. It was so good to see them and get to celebrate Madelyn’s 11th birthday with her and the family at the World of Coca-Cola! (And by the way – I love that Atlanta is just a short hop and a skip away from where I live. SO cool!)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

…Psalm 90.

Lord you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

God is our home. To dwell means to stay, to live, to abide in. Think about it. Take a few minutes and let this sink in. “Lord you have been our dwelling place in all generations.”

….to be in a place where it’s completely normal to hear things like, “I can’t go next week, I’ll be in Nicaragua.”, “The other day in Vietnam…”, or “I’m going to Greece to work with the refugees for three months. I leave Saturday!”


I’m surrounded by a whole lot of people who understand that where we live, the house we buy, the things we fill it with, those are all good and well. But they understand that God is their dwelling place. He is their home. Their hope, their faith, their strength, their safety, their hearts, their lives….it’s all deeply rooted in Him. So why wouldn’t they go? Why wouldn’t we go?!

Monday, November 9, 2015

….dirty chai lattes from Inman’s Perk. The absolute perfect thing on a rainy, fall day.

….our friend Desirae who we met at the Dari Spot. And the chocolate banana shake that I had. So tasty. We will be back to visit you Desirae!

(Don’t judge me…ice cream and a latte in one day. I had my reasons…and they are very valid!) 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

….trampolines to jump on. It makes me feel like I’m a kid again. 

….friends who call me out and push me to grow and do the things that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable. I’m very thankful for that. Even when I hate it. 🙂

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

….my Discover Your Calling class that I am taking. For a while now, basically my whole life, I’ve struggled with knowing what my purpose is. What do I bring to the table? What are the things that make me tick? What do I get excited about? What do I care about most? What am I passionate about? And how do all of these things line up with a world need?

Wednesday we got out the gigantic sticky notes and wrote down all that we have talked about this semester. What motivates us, what our personality type is, our strengths/skills/passions. By doing this we were able to see trends and how all of the things fit together. Y’all, everyone needs to do this. Why in the world is this not a thing in high school or beginning years of college?! God is using this class to bring so much clarity into my life.

No worries, there will be a blog post in the future dedicated specifically to this class 🙂

….my (mostly) weekly phone dates. One, it’s just comforting to hear familiar voices that you don’t get to hear every day. And I am learning to appreciate phone conversations….which is a big deal for me. You might be thinking that is a weird thing to say, but I used to really hate talking on the phone. A lot.

If I didn’t know someone was going to be calling me, and they did so unexpectedly, I would panic when I would hear my phone ring. Sometimes I wouldn’t answer. Of course I called them back, but I needed to mentally prepare for that.

Yes, anxiety over a phone ringing. It’s a real thing. I know I’m not the only who feels this way about phone calls. But I am overcoming it! Try it! Call me – as long as I’m available, I will answer! 🙂

Until next week,
