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This was an assignment for one of the classes here at CGA (that I’m not taking), and it seemed like it would be fun to do so I gave it a try. I had so much fun putting it together!

Maybe you’ve known me my whole life, maybe I met you in school, maybe I went on the World Race with you, or maybe you have blog stalked me while I was on the Race but I’ve never actually met you (no shame — I’ve been there, done that).

No matter how I may or may not know you, here is a photo blog that will tell you a little bit about me, the things I like, and what makes me, me.


I’m from Kansas. And I’m really proud of it. I understand that there isn’t a lot there, and it’s really flat, there are no mountains and so on…but we DO have large fields of sunflowers! And some of the best sunsets. But anyway, I really do love it there. It’s beautiful. It will always be my home.


Family is super important to me. I love them! And I mean look at ’em….how could I not?!


My brother just recently proposed, and though I’ve been calling her sister for a while now, it’s official! I’m getting another sister! #praise




I’m an aunt to this adorable little boy. Being an aunt is one of my favorite things.


Going skiing scares me, but I’ll jump off a bridge or out of an airplane any day. (I haven’t jumped from an airplane yet but it’s going to happen.) I might be somewhat of an adrenaline junkie. 



   I have three tattoos and I’m not sorry about it. Each one has a story and a different meaning behind it, but when you put put them together it is a reminder of who I am. That my Father loves me so deeply, He calls me His beloved (“be.loved” on my foot), and in Him I can walk fearlessly (“dauntless” on my wrist), as His daughter who is fearfully and wonderfully made (snowflake on my neck).



Before my Race, and for a brief time before coming to Georgia, I got to take care of these two babes. I’d like to think I have 3 nephews (Baby Fletcher is the newest addition and isn’t pictured), 1 niece, and 1 niece/nephew on the way. How lucky am I?!



All of them together. Doesn’t this make your heart burst?! It does mine. So much love for these little ones.   



I LOVE surprises in all forms. I love to be surprised and I love doing the surprising. It’s not an option, but I’d say one of my love languages is surprises. It can be something so simple like unexpectedly being brought a cookie (shout out to Rachel!) just because. It doesn’t take much to get me excited.



Coffee. Coffee with friends, coffee while I’m working, coffee while I’m reading, just….coffee. It’s another love language. Surprise me with coffee….woah! So much love. #allthefeels


I’m a big fan of KU basketball. I just really enjoy watching basketball in general. But it’s even better when it’s my brothers or KU that I’m watching. 


Sunsets are my favorite. I’m that person who will stop on the side of the road when on a road trip. Or just driving home from WalMart. Sometimes I’ll take a picture, but oftentimes it just doesn’t do it justice. So I just stand there in awe and amazement of my Father.


Cookie dough. A totally acceptable snack! 


Yes, I have a bucket list and I love checking things off of it!!


I mean, this says it all. I love traveling and going to new places.


I love me a good pair of TOMS. 


I’m slightly obsessed with elephants.


I’m not one to have a super large social group but rather a small group of close friends. I value my friendships deeply.


Fall is my favorite season, hands down.


Rainy days make me genuinely happy.


D Squad. Enough said. Y’all know how I feel about them.  


I really love going on motorcycle rides.


I love me a good conversation. I love getting past the surface level stuff. It’s my favorite thing when you sit down for a cup of coffee with a friend and 3 hours later you are deep in conversation wondering where time went. I love doing life with people. Hearing about what they are walking through, struggling with, and what they are celebrating. (And yes, this picture was totally staged. In the lunch room at AIM. We were pondering the deep things of life like whether queso or guac is better and trying not to laugh.)



It’s still a surprise to me, but I actually enjoy preaching. Which is proof that sometimes Jesus equips the unequipped. Preaching is the last thing I ever thought I would do….and like.


On my Race I fell in love with Guatemala. I left there saying “I’m going to be back.” And I am going back. In January. Y’all, I can’t tell you what that does to my heart. Even as I’m typing this, I’m getting all excited and have a big smile on my face that won’t go away. Jesus is so good.