Maybe you know exactly what I’m up to during my time here in Georgia and maybe you have absolutely no idea. I can tell you that I’m here at a discipleship school called Center for Global Action. I can tell you that my time here in Georgia is helping prepare me and train me for life as a missionary. I can tell you that I am going to Guatemala in January, and will get to take what I learn here and live it out.
But what does any of that really mean? What do I do every day?
I’m going to break it down for you and give you a day to day look inside what it looks like to be an apprentice at the CGA. Get excited!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
SLEEP IN!!!! Praise the Lord.
Headed for the coffee shop around 10am.
Sat at coffee shop for about 5 hours. Serious. I worked on homework and did all the things on the internet that needed to be done (we don’t have wifi at our house yet).
Went to pick up some people and were Atlanta bound at 4:15.
Had dinner with Rachel’s family. Thankful for D squad parents who are still taking such good care of us! ๐
Church at 8pm at Grace-Midtown. I am so thankful that I have found a church to attend that I look forward to every single week.
Home at 11:30pm.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Wake up at 6am.
Leave for gym at 6:25am.
Workout, shower, and get ready for the day.
Leave for the office at 8:20am.
GET COFFEE. Adventures has free coffee available. It’s wonderful. They also have an excellent selection of coffee mugs. Somedays you get to drink out of cool (or weird) mugs like this.
Mondays are really cool around here. All of the staff comes together to kick off the new week with worship. It’s amazing! No better way to start a week!
10:00/10:30ish-12:00 We have a guest speaker during this time. Sometimes it’s someone on staff and sometimes it’s someone from Spain (that’s where this weeks guest speaker was from!)
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:30 Fundraising/Blogging/Newsletter writing time.
3:00-5:00 Class with Deon about caring for the soul. Some good stuff, my friends. It’s really cool to have a class that doesn’t just talk about prayer and the Holy Spirit and what that means, but one that actually allows space for the Holy Spirit to move. It’s a class that makes me uncomfortable and pushes me out of my comfort zone.
6:30 This particular Monday we had a bonfire at The Peninsula, which is the guys house. They have this real cool backyard that is right on the lake. It’s beautiful.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Wake up at 6am.
Leave for gym at 6:25am.
Workout, shower, and get ready for the day.
Leave for the office at 8:20am
9:00am – missions track. We’ve started a new unit talking about teams. How to effectively work as a team and why or why not being on a team rather than on your own in missions is a good idea. We also got to skype with the base in Guatemala (which is where I will be going in January!) and ask them questions and really just hear about how they operate as a team and family. It was so cool and encouraging to hear what they had to say. And it made me so excited to get to be a part of that family for a few months!
12:30 Lunch! Sometimes during lunch you sit with good friends and small talk turns into one of those conversations that you discover you’re more alike than you thought and you are walking through the exact same things and it makes you feel completely safe and encouraged and hopeful. Yeah, that happened and it was awesome! Thanks Jesus!
1:30-5:00 Apprenticeship! I work in the World Race department with the regional directors, which means mostly working with the ministry host side of things. Tuesdays they have a staff meeting so we sit in on that. Then I check my tasks and complete what is listed then work on a few different ongoing projects that I have. I also get to sit in on skype calls with the missionary hosts, whether it’s checking in after a team has been there or planning for future teams to come, so that is fun!
6:00-7:00 Outreach with the neighborhood kids in our trailer park. This was my first Tuesday to go! We went and ate pizza with about 20 young teens. I ended up sitting next to Stacy. We were both very amused that our names were so similar. It made me think of Jacie and One-on-Acie. ๐ Jacie – I MISS YOU!
7:30-10:30 Hang out with the housemates/homework/listen to music. A typical evening here at the Mansion. Candles are always involved.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Wake up at 6am.
Leave for gym at 6:25am.
Workout, shower, and get ready for the day.
Leave for the office at 8:20am
9:00am Professional Development. We are talking about time management, which I am super thankful for because I am not good at it at all. But Joe is giving us a bunch of tools that are super helpful and has me all excited about Getting Things done. Click on this link to find out more.
12:30 – Lunch
1:30 – Apprenticeship
3:00 SNACK ATTACK! Apparently, this is something that happens from time to time. We get cookies and coffee. Y’all, I ate the best lemon & white chocolate cookie. It was still warm and gooey. A great afternoon treat!
5:00 Grocery shopping! Once a week we have a house meal. We take turns cooking for this. This week was Tim and I’s turn, so we went and got the needed supplies to make some delicious taco soup. It was SO GOOD! I was impressed with us!
6:30ish dinner with the fam.
7:30ish Brant and I completed our coffee mug wall. (Thanks Andi and Neil for the inspiration!) It’s one of my favorite parts about our house….next to the fireplace. Yes, that’s no typo. I love it!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
I woke up thinking it was Friday and ALL DAY LONG I thought it was Friday! But anyways….that’s beside the point.
Wake up at 6am.
Leave for gym at 6:25am.
Workout, shower, and get ready for the day.
Leave for the office at 8:20am
9:00am Missions track. We continued talking about teamwork – specifically conflict, feedback (yay feedback!) and conflict resolution and how to go about it in a healthy way.
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Apprenticeship
5:00 Grocery shopping…again. But this time I actually got food for more than just a meal. It was much needed. I’ve been living off of peanut butter and banana sandwiches and cereal pretty much since I got here. It was time.
6:30ish ate dinner.
7:30ish cleaned
8:30 I am writing this blog. ๐ So from here on out it’s a guestimate of what I think is going to happen.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Wake up at 6am.
Leave for gym at 6:25am.
Workout, shower, and get ready for the day.
Leave for the office at 8:20am
9:00am Missions track
12:30 Lunch
1:30-5:00 Apprenticeship
After work I’m cooking dinner for my D squad people and I’m really excited about it.
The rest is a mystery!
Hopefully this gives you a good idea of what a typical week looks like around here!
God has really been teaching me that this isn’t about me. What I am doing here in Georgia and what I will do in Guatemala, it has nothing to do with me. It’s all about Him and I get this unique opportunity to bring others (YOU) alongside me and join with me in what God is doing. So that is my goal. You ever hear anyone say, “I couldn’t do this without you!” or “What would I do without you?!”? Well, that is actually very true for me. I really cannot do this without you.
Thank you for giving. Thank you for praying. Thank you for making it possible for me to be here. I truly am learning so much and I know that Jesus is equipping me and preparing the way for what is next.
I still have about $5,000 to raise to be completely funded for both semesters. I have set a goal to be fully funded by the end of the year. If you would like to make a donation, please click on the “Support Me” tab above.
If you’d like to help me fill in this board and buy a square, click on the “Support Me” tab above. (box 81=$81) Every little bit really does help, whether it’s $5, $25, or $75.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I can’t do this without you.
Much love,