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brothers, adventures, and christmas hats.

Here are just a few things that I have been super thankful for this week…

Thursday, November 12, 2015

….D Squad shenanigans. So we have this weird thing we do. Sometimes when us D squad people are hanging out, we miss the rest of our people so we call them. And sadly, they don’t answer most of the time. So we leave them ridiculously long voicemails that I know they must appreciate because they are full of really important things. (hint the sarcasm.) I’m thankful for those moments though, as weird as that may be. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

….I’m thankful for Shelley, who brought me peanut butter m&m’s, just because. I have really cool friends who love me well.

There is this band called ‘The Derringers’ and when they become super famous I am going to be able to say that I knew them before they were famous. They played at our training camp, and I’ve been to two of their gigs since being here in Georgia. Friday they played at one of the CGA houses called the Lake House. Music and good company always makes for a great night. Perfect way to begin the weekend.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

….Adventure days. Ashley, Emily, and I took on Atlanta. We went to Caribou coffee. Had lunch at Chipotle. Then we decided we wanted to stop at Lake Lanier Islands on our way back because it just seems like it would be really cool and fun, right? Well, it probably is but it costs money. Lame. So we never made it to the island.

We get back on the highway to continue home…and we go the wrong way. (Not on purpose.) Which led us to Buford which is where the Mall of Georgia is, so that’s what we did. We tried on ridiculous Christmas hats and smelled all the candles at Bath and Body Works, which also happened to have all of their lotion on sale for only $3.

Walking out of the parking lot we witnessed a car back right up into another car who was conveniently sitting right in the middle of the road, directly behind this car. Unfortunately, neither of them heard our failed attempts of words that came out in gasps. We came to the conclusion that both were at fault. 

This also happened to be the day of birth of my squad mate Andrew so we got to celebrate him with hamburgers, Ashley’s famous cookies, and dancing. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

….Bravery. People who are bold enough to do things that the Lord asks them to do, even when it may not make sense to them. Immediately after church, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to a complete stranger who I had never seen before. He said that he got a word for someone with blonde hair that is pulled back in a ponytail. As he scanned the surroundings he spotted me. It really blows me away the ways in which the Lord communicates to us. Y’all, He has the ability to talk to us through any means he so desires, and sometimes it’s through complete strangers. Don’t put his voice in a box. Don’t limit the way you hear from him. And don’t hold back from how the Lord wants to speak through you. (I’m working on this myself.)

Monday, November 16, 2015

…House dinners. Once a week, our house has dinner together. We rotate who cooks, which is also fun because you get to try new things that you might not otherwise. But we decided to invite someone over to our house for a meal every week. It’s been a really cool way to get to know more of Adventures staff outside of the office. I’m thankful for people who are so willing to share about their lives, and who also want to know about us.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

….Trail mix. Coffee shops. Wifi that works really well. And the assurance that on any given day, no matter what circumstance that I may find myself in, I am ridiculously loved by my Father. I’m thankful that nothing can ever or will ever change that. It’s a love that will never go away. 

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

….I am ridiculously thankful that my brothers are some of my closest friends. In the last year and a half I haven’t been around them a whole lot, but even though we have been continents apart, and now states apart, weirdly I feel like we have connected more, in different ways. These two make me laugh more than anybody, but they also know how to push my buttons more than anybody. And they do so for the fun of it. It’s all out of love…or so they say! 🙂

Devin is the protective older brother that I am SO thankful to have. He is determined, passionate, a hard worker, and an incredible dad who really likes to run…which is a foreign concept to me that I haven’t yet grasped. I never have to question if he cares, and I know that I can always count on him to be there.

Dusty is the little brother who once drove me crazy and we fought on the daily. Thankfully, we made it past that and now get along really well. We still wrestle around all the time, but we are laughing while we do so. Dusty is level headed, patient, smart, and full of capabilities to do so much. I don’t think he has any idea how awesome he is.

I am so proud to be their sister. And I love that they have given me two really incredible sisters.